SDG6 and water use efficiency

Water use efficiency key to achieving multiple SDGs

Improving water use efficiency requires collaboration across sectors and innovation in water management practices. Read more »
India's sustainability quest

India’s sustainability quest: From desirable goals towards achievable ones

India achieving its sustainability goals will hinge on its ability to balance economic growth needs with environmental imperatives, writes Aruna Sharma. #climatechange #globalwarming #SDGs Read more »

UN Food Systems Summit: Anarchy no alternative to multilateralism

The counter mobilisations at the UN Food Systems Summit were an attack on multilateralism, the best available option to raise critical global issues. Read more »
gender gap in education, literacy

30 years of liberalisation: What did India achieve, what it didn’t

By KP Vipin Chandran Economic liberalisation — A scorecard: India’s economic reforms and the successful policies of economic stabilisation and structural adjustment came as reaction to the balance of payments crisis in... Read more »
social media and mental health

Why suicide rates are higher in India’s developed states

Consumerism and influence of social media in richer states result in high aspirations and low social interaction, affecting people emotionally and mentally, leading to high suicide rates. Read more »
All corporate decisions linked to ESG targets

Tax, investment and salaries in an ESG focused world

The driving forces in the new world will be inclusion, equity, diversity and comprehensive availability. All corporate decisions will be linked to ESG outcomes. Read more »
Fiscal policies must target inclusive growth

Vibrant civil society key to achieving sustainable development goals

Achieving sustainable development goals is not possible without breaching the framework of elite civil society organisations working with big corporates and bureaucratic elites. Read more »
ICDS scheme and sustainable development goals, SDGs

Success of ICDS scheme hinges on awareness programmes

While there is basic awareness among the mothers of ICDS scheme beneficiaries, they are not educated on some of the key elements of the programme. Read more »
Women's empowerment in India

Women’s empowerment key to India’s transformation

Gender equality is not an end in itself -- women's empowerment to participate in economic activities is essential to achieving the sustainable development goals and to improve the quality of human life. Read more »

Cutting food waste key to achieving zero hunger by 2030

The world generated around 931 million tonnes of food waste in 2019, of which 61% was from households, 26% in food service and 13% from retail trade, reveals the Food Waste Index... Read more »