Tamil Nadu economy and covid-19

Covid-19 impact: Tamil Nadu economy in a spot of bother

Tamil Nadu economy is in a precarious position – just one wrong step by the new government can send the state finances flying off the cliff. Read more »
future of corporate governance

Future perfect: Five pivots to governance, corporate culture

Corporate governance in future will cater to a world which is seeking to fulfil emerging demand tailor made to the individual consumer. Read more »
gender gap in education, literacy

Human development challenge: Need to address new forms of inequalities created by Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the age-old practices in education, healthcare, and other essential services, resulting in a human development crisis. Read more »
World Diabetes Day 2021

Covid-19: Kerala will need to take tough decisions

Covid-19 testing rates in India are quite low, test positivity rate is more than double the prescribed 5%, warranting some tough measures. Read more »
inflation and interest rates

Indirect tax windfall brings cheer amid bad news on inflation, IIP fronts

Good news on the indirect tax collection front was eclipsed by a 3.6% contraction in IIP, and 5.52% higher retail inflation. Read more »
global trade

Two to tango: A case for strengthening Indo-US trade, investment ties

Indo-US trade volumes are way below potential. While engaging the US in a strategic partnership, India should focus on its developmental needs. Read more »
RBI raises repo rate by 25 basis points

Monetary policy: RBI joins quantitative easing bandwagon

In a major departure, the RBI has committed its balance sheet to monetary policy in the April 2021 MPC meeting. Read more »
ICDS scheme and sustainable development goals, SDGs

Success of ICDS scheme hinges on awareness programmes

While there is basic awareness among the mothers of ICDS scheme beneficiaries, they are not educated on some of the key elements of the programme. Read more »
Climate change and pathogenic diseases

Covid-19 vaccine diplomacy: India’s chance to deepen its strategic engagements

India, the largest producer of vaccines in the world, exported 64 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines, while administering only 61 million doses within the country. Read more »

Monetary policy: RBI stays focused on growth with accommodative policy

RBI’s proposed Rs 1 trillion government securities acquisition programme will provide certainty to bond market participants, reduce term premiums. Read more »