electric vehicles

Electric Vehicles: Not-so-green path to sustainable mobility

While electric vehicles are hailed as the future of mobility, their environmental impact goes beyond emissions with doubts being raised about battery production and use of non-renewable energy. #EVs #sustainability Read more »
Chinese economy

Chinese economy faces uncertainty amid shifting global dynamics

Chinese economy may experience further slowdown in growth as the country faces a number of headwinds such as high debt levels, and a troubled property sector. #China #economy #GDP Read more »
Global Methane Pledge by nations

Global Methane Pledge: Promises unkept, climate action in peril

The Global Methane Pledge is not enough to reduce #emissions; legally binding commitments and a transition away from #fossilfuels are crucial. #climatechange #globalwarming #cop28 Read more »
Chennai, urban planning

Chennai disaster a stark reminder of urban planning inadequacies

As Chennai reels under the devastation of Cyclone Michaung, one thing is clear - India’s urban planning needs a serious overhaul. #urbanplanning #Michaung #Chennai Read more »
COP28 president al-Jabar sparks off controversy

COP28 controversy highlights need for unbiased climate leadership

#COP28 organisers must prioritise transparency and accountability to remove mistrust created by al-Jaber's statement, and to ensure the conference's success. #climatechange #coppresident Read more »
Green hydrogen mission

Green hydrogen mission: Indian giants vie for pole position

India's private sector is charging ahead in the green hydrogen mission, with key players like Reliance, Adani, JSW, and L&T vying for a slice of the 5 MMT annual target by 2030.... Read more »
Climate change and heatwaves affect labour productivity

Heatwaves: Climate change’s invisible productivity killers

With a projected 100 billion lost labour hours, heatwaves triggered by climate change are a national emergency for India's working future. Read more »
covid-19 cases in india

COVID-19 resurgence in India calls for continued vigilance

While the current #COVID-19 cases are mild, waning vaccine immunity and the emergence of new variants necessitate ongoing monitoring and preventive measures. #coronavirus #WHO Read more »
India leads the world in digital public infrastructure

Digital Public Infrastructure: India’s toolbox is revolutionising global trade

#Aadhaar, #UPI, #GSTN - India's digital public infrastructure shines as G-20 adopts key global trade principles, opening doors for inclusive growth, writes Dr Ram Singh. #DPI #DPGs Read more »
India's digital rupee or e-rupee

Digital rupee: A paradigm shift in the evolution of money

India's digital rupee marks a transformation in the evolution of money from tangible forms to digital abstractions. #erupee #cryptocurrency #bitcoin Read more »