Covid-19 vaccine drive in India needs to be stepped up

Step up Covid-19 vaccination drive to stop the second wave

The second wave may peak in mid-April if Covid-19 vaccine is not administered to most of the active population between 18 and 45 years of age as soon as possible. Read more »
IPEF and the global economy

Foreign Trade Policy: Protectionism without strong local industry may spell disaster

Restrictive foreign trade policy without domestic competence can be a restraint as observed in the post-Covid period when industries such as tyres and pharmaceuticals suffered. Read more »
jal jeevan mission

Gathering storms: The perils of ignoring the water crisis

Concerted action at personal, political and global levels is needed to manage the world's water resource and to achieve SDG 6 set by the United Nations. Read more »
Ayushman Bharat scheme

Reimagining health: A people’s manifesto for Kerala

Kerala’s healthcare infrastructure may withstand pandemics like Covid-19, but the state lacks a transparent health financing policy based on a cost budget. Read more »
india vehicle scrappage policy

Scrappage policy: A big business opportunity awaits India

For its scrappage policy, India needs to draw from global best practices as well as from studies conducted by environment ministry and ARAI. Read more »
crucial 700MHz band spectrum auction

700MHz band spectrum sale: India loses opportunity to unveil affordable internet

The government’s attempt to maximise revenues from the sale of the crucial 700MHz band spectrum auction by fixing a high base price scared away the bidders. Read more »
President Biden's $1.9 trillion US stimulus package

$1.9 trillion US stimulus package to boost India growth, nudge inflation

A potential increase in country risk premia and pressure on domestic yields caused by the US stimulus could tighten domestic financial conditions. Read more »
Climate change, sea level rise

Silver lining: Covid-19 injects urgency into climate action

Governments offer economic packages and tax incentives to address the climate change amid the Covid-19 outbreak and the resultant economic crisis. Read more »
World Diabetes Day 2021

Back to basics: Kerala’s Covid-19 curve springs another surprise

The latest Covid-19 figures show that there was nothing wrong with the Kerala model -- the hospitals were never crowded, the cases were getting proper treatment, mortality rate was quite low. Read more »
labour codes violate workers rights

Labour Codes: Imposing a new form of slavery on India’s working class

Definitions of workmen, employee, wages and allowances are used interchangeably in a manipulative way in labour codes to deprive a large section of workers of their legal rights. Read more »