India demographic dividend

Modi 3.0: Bold reforms needed to unleash demographic dividend

India must address the mismatch between education and the demands of the modern job market to capitalise on its demographic dividend. Read more »
India's demographic dividend getting wasted

Demographic dividend: The make-or-break decade for India

Despite robust GDP growth, employment generation in India lags, threatening to turn the demographic dividend into a curse. Read more »
labour-intensive manufacturing in India

Labour-intensive manufacturing can unlock India’s demographic dividend

The government must nurture labour-intensive manufacturing, and strive for quality of employment in the informal sector. Read more »
India's unemployment crisis

Unemployment challenge: Policymakers must focus on demographic dividend

India needs to find solutions to the persistent unemployment problem and strive to leverage its demographic dividend. Read more »
demographic dividend through quality education

India must step up quality of education to unlock demographic dividend

India's education system needs a pivotal shift in terms of quality, funding, and accessibility to encash the demographic dividend. Read more »
India frittering away its demographic dividend

‘India is losing its demographic dividend amid jobless growth’

Policy should address the issue of demographic dividend – India is producing a large labour force that needs to be employed gainfully. Read more »
india's school education crisis

Demographic dividend: Can India benefit from its young population

India’s demographic dividend is at an inflection point -- from hereon, the share of the youth in population will fall while the share of elderly will surge. Read more »
Indian economy vs Chinese economy

Can Indian economy emulate the Chinese miracle?

While there is no doubt about the potential of the Indian economy, it needs to create a world class infrastructure and investment climate to emulate the Chinese miracle. Read more »
unemployment in india

Unemployment, uncertainty chipping away at India’s demographic dividend

Creating decent and sustainable employment opportunities for youth to move out of poverty will help realise the demographic dividend offered by India’s youthful population. Read more »
Kerala ageing faster than rest of India

Ageing Kerala is sitting on a demographic time bomb

Kerala is ageing faster than the rest of India. Its population above 60 years is close to 13% of the total. Read more »