Covid-19 third wave

Explainer: Should you be worried about UK’s super spreader Covid-19 variant

The new rapid spreader variant B 1.1.7 has undergone 23 mutations and may be too much to handle for the available vaccines. Read more »
Covid 19 infodmic confusion

Covid-19: Fighting the pandemic and infodemic

Vaccines may or may work; one needs to observe physical distancing, cough/sneeze etiquettes, face mask, and lead a low social activity life. Read more »
World Diabetes Day 2021

Will Covid vaccines save the day for US, India, Brazil and Russia

The US, India, Brazil and Russia are examples of what can go wrong when assumptions drive policies -- not science or data. Read more »
India's dismal human development levels

GST regime in the education sector needs further tweaking

The GST completed its third year on June 30, 2020 and has been largely successful in its policy objectives in education. Read more »
covid-19 vaccines

Should survivors get a Covid-19 vaccine shot?

A natural infection may not be enough to protect one for the rest of his/her life -- one needs to take a vaccine to be sure. Read more »
public health spending in budget 2023

Effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines varies among different races: MIT study

The study says immune systems of one per cent of white participants and 10% of Asian participants are not expected to respond well. Read more »
World Diabetes Day 2021

The beginning of the end of Covid-19 pandemic?

Equitable access to Covid vaccines to protect healthcare workers and other at-risk people is a crucial requirement for mitigating pain caused by the pandemic. Read more »
health insurance sector in crisis

Covid vaccine race may have multiple winners as leaders break away

At least 68 candidate vaccines are in various stages of human trials – 38 in phase I, 17 in phase II and 13 in phase III. Read more »
Covid-19 and extreme poverty

Changing tack: Poverty action in the time of Covid-19 pandemic

The graduation model assists subjects in securing earning potential, social protection and financial literacy in an overarching development approach. Read more »
A KGBV classroom

KGBVs: Budget constraints, apathy cripple institution for girls from marginalised sections

While increasing the capacity of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas, the authorities also should focus non-economic issues that plague the institution. Read more »