Green hydrogen: Big vs small debate heats up amid de-carbonisation race

The booming green hydrogen industry needs both large-scale and modular solutions to meet demand. #greenhydrogen #environment Read more »
China leads the world in green hydrogen

China surges ahead in green hydrogen race, threatens fossil fuel dominance

China's progress in electrolyser capacity positions it as a world leader in green hydrogen production. Read more »
green hydrogen as an alternative fuel

Green hydrogen: Need to focus on cost-cutting strategies

Large-scale storages could dramatically cut energy prices, making green hydrogen more cost-competitive. Read more »
green hydrogen market hots up

Green hydrogen can unlock India’s sustainable energy future

Green hydrogen has emerged as a game-changer for decarbonisation, with nations vying for leadership in the clean fuel market. Read more »
green hydrogen market hots up

Green hydrogen faces reality check amid price rise, uncertainties

From buses sputtered out to homes on hold, early adopter stumbles reveal the true test for green hydrogen, posing questions on its future as a clean fuel. #greenhydrogen Read more »
India's national green hydrogen mission

Cash crunch: India’s green hydrogen mission faces resource shortage

India's green hydrogen mission runs into international subsidy disparities as the country races to establish itself as a global hub for the production of the clean fuel. #greenhydrogen #greenenergy #solarenergy #windenergy Read more »
green hydrogen market hots up

Green hydrogen: Breakthroughs in clean energy innovation

The convergence of technology and ambition fuel the green hydrogen revolution, illuminating a pathway from renewable sources to a cleaner, greener tomorrow. #sustainableenergy #climatechange #globalwarming Read more »
green hydrogen vs blue hydrogen

Hasty green hydrogen adoption may lead to higher costs, says study

A study by Finnish researchers reveals green hydrogen's potential as a transformative force, with research pointing towards innovative solutions for a greener future. #bluehydrogen #climatechange #netzero Read more »

Why green hydrogen may not work for India in short term

India faces significant challenges in green hydrogen adoption in the short-term, and needs to invest in stabilising the grid power and increasing the share of renewables. #greenhydrogen #globalwarming #climatechange Read more »
ESG and clean energy transition

Green hydrogen: Tech breakthrough set to improve viability of the clean fuel

Latest breakthroughs and innovative solutions may help the world step up production of green hydrogen and reduce the cost of producing the clean fuel. #greenhydrogen #electrolyser #climatechange #globalwarming Read more »