India's poverty reduction efforts fall short.

India’s poverty reduction challenge lies beyond numbers games

Decentralisation, improved data management, and a focus on quality education and healthcare are crucial for sustainable poverty reduction. Read more »
health insurance decree by IRDAI

Health insurance: IRDAI decree seeks to remove age barrier

For decades, India’s senior citizens were denied health insurance coverage by insurers because of a discriminatory age cutoff. Read more »
Feminisation of agriculture in India is increasing

India witnessing feminisation of agriculture as tech empowers women farmers

Feminisation of agriculture intensifies as male workforce shrinks and women step in, defying stereotypes and driving a digital revolution on Indian farms. Read more »
Nestle, Cerelac

Nestlé’s sugary baby food in developing nations expose double standards

Despite WHO guidelines banning sugar in baby food, Nestlé's Cerelac packs a sugary punch in developing countries like India. #Nestle #cerelac #WHO Read more »
MSME funding

Unemployment figures hide widening job gap in South Asia

While global unemployment dips, South Asia grapples with declining labour force participation and widening job gap that put a generation at risk. Read more »
migrant workers healthcare crisis

Lost in translation: Migrant workers’ healthcare rights still a chimera

Government schemes offer healthcare portability for migrant workers, but implementation gaps leave them in the lurch. Read more »
The humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Gaza on the precipice: The humanitarian crisis demands global action

The ongoing conflict and the blockade have pushed Gaza to the brink, but international intervention can resolve the humanitarian crisis. Read more »
labour-intensive manufacturing in India

Labour-intensive manufacturing can unlock India’s demographic dividend

The government must nurture labour-intensive manufacturing, and strive for quality of employment in the informal sector. Read more »
The Human Development Report 2023–2024 and India

Human Development Report 2023-24: India must address income disparities

The Human Development Report 2023–2024 has urged India to address income disparities to unlock its full human development potential. Read more »
India's rising female labour force participation rate

Decoding India’s rising female labour force participation

Research suggests that India's rising female labour force participation might be driven by economic hardship, not job creation. Read more »