global warming and climate change

Climate change: Green infrastructure key to keeping temperatures low in cities

The study by scientists at the University of Illinois establishes that humidity plays an important role in creating warmer climate in cities. Read more »
climate change and the record-breaking heatwave

Bankrolling global climate action in the time of Covid-19

Given the fragmented nature of climate finance architecture, more guidance will be needed by poor countries to navigate this landscape. Read more »
Delegates struggle for an agreement at UN climate change summit

Climate change: The fight must start with better ocean data

The data technology is incredibly useful for driving innovation as it provides real-time information in actionable forms. Read more »
world soil day 2020

World Soil Day: UN calls for checking biodiversity loss

The loss of biodiversity is a huge problem threatening the very existence of life on earth. Read more »
policy circle image

Nasa research quantifies fall in air pollution due to Covid-19 pandemic

The study used computer models to establish that the nitrogen dioxide concentrations since February were lower by around 20%. Read more »
plastic waste

Marine pollution: Annual plastic waste flows into water bodies could top 53 mt

Renewed efforts to mitigate plastic pollution may fall short of requirement, says a study by researchers at the University of Toronto. Read more »

Climate change: Humans cannot win the war against nature

The nature is rebelling against exploitation by human beings through wild fires, tsunamis, hurricanes, massive floods, and now with the dreaded coronavirus. Read more »
climate change, budget 2023, global warming,

Carbon emissions and economic growth: Learnings for India

The most important policy target for India is to transform the energy portfolio and promote renewable energy to reduce total aggregate energy consumption. Read more »
plastic waste pollution on the rise

Marine pollution: 1.3 trillion tonnes of plastic waste to be dumped by 2040

At least 710 million tonnes of plastic will be generated even if governments take concerted action to reduce waste, say researchers from University of Leeds. Read more »
Climate change, sea level rise

Global warming to test 1.5C limit set by Paris Agreement

Annual mean global temperature in the next five years may be at least 1° Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Read more »