global economy

Global economy faces choppy waters, India remains buoyant

While the IMF predicts a balanced outlook for global economy, India remains a bright spot, supported by a resilient domestic market. #Indianeconomy #IMF Read more »
Indian economy GDP growth

Can Indian economy sustain growth with tepid private spending?

High inflation and subdued consumer spending threaten Indian economy's growth momentum despite strong public investment. Read more »
Surge in India's foreign trade volumes

India’s foreign trade: Fast expansion and the quest for balance

Despite a recent downturn, India's foreign trade has surged over the past five years, showcasing its growing engagement with the global economy. Read more »

GDP growth: Can fiscal health keep up with rapid economic expansion

Despite its impressive GDP growth rates, India's high fiscal deficit and stagnant private investment raise concerns about long-term sustainability of the economic expansion. Read more »
India's demographic dividend getting wasted

Indian economy: Growth strategy needs an inclusive, sustainable turn

Indian economy's Q3 rebound masks income disparities and uneven sectoral growth, calling for targeted policy interventions. Read more »
Indian economy, unequality

Indian economy embraces AI, but can it tackle inequality?

$7 trillion beckons, but Indian economy's success hinges on ensuring that marginalised communities are not left behind. #unequality #IndianEconomy #Budget2024 Read more »
state of economy, economic growth, MSP, El Nino

Rural revival: The missing piece in India’s economic growth puzzle

India's real economic growth story lies in empowering its farming heartland, and bridging the rural-urban gap for inclusive prosperity. #GDP #economy #India Read more »
Growth prospects of Indian economy

Indian economy: A compelling narrative, but challenges remain

Indian economy has defied global slowdown with robust growth fueled by manufacturing, services, and technology, but fiscal deficit and investment lag cast shadows. #gdpgrowth #fiscaldeficit #investment Read more »
Indian economy

Indian economy: Can the growth engine defy global headwinds?

Indian economy posts 7% growth rate amid global turmoil, but it will be challenged by external risks and sustainability issues. #Indianeconomy #growth #GDP Read more »
rural India, Budget 2025

Indian economy: Bridging rural-urban divide key to balancing growth, prices

As Indian economy inches closer to $5 trillion, uneven #gdpgrowth across urban and rural sectors casts its shadow, necessitating #inclusive policies to bridge the divide. #inflation #sustainability Read more »