global economy

Global economy faces choppy waters, India remains buoyant

While the IMF predicts a balanced outlook for global economy, India remains a bright spot, supported by a resilient domestic market. #Indianeconomy #IMF Read more »
global economy

Global economy faces uneven recovery despite upbeat outlook

The IMF predicts steady 3.2% growth for global economy in 2024 and 2025, but significant regional variations persist. #global #economy Read more »
another crisis for global economy

West Asian conflict sends jitters through crisis-ridden global economy

As the #IsraelHamas conflict pushes the global economy to the brink, the central banks will struggle to balance between #inflation control and #economicgrowth. #fed #rbi #ecb #boe Read more »
global economy facing recession

Global economy needs coordinated action to mitigate risks

The global economy is facing multiple challenges and uncertainties, from the impact of rising interest rates to the struggles of key sectors and the persistence of #inflation. #globalrecession #economicgrowth Read more »
Chinese economy

Deflation in Chinese economy will create global ripples

Troubles of the Chinese economy expose the fragility of the Asian giant's growth story, ringing alarm bells across its major trading partners. #globaleconomy #china #deflation #growth Read more »
global economy

Tourism-driven growth to propel global economy in 2023

The IMF expects the global economy to expand 3% in 2023, backed by the rise in post-pandemic travel and a robust job market. #globaleconomy #tourism Read more »
G20 seeks to promote gender parity

Gender-inclusive trade key to resilient global economy

There is a need to promote gender-inclusive trade by collecting disaggregated trade data for fostering an equitable global economy, writes Nikita Singla. #worldbank #wto #g20 Read more »
Ukraine war and global economy

Global economy resilient in the face of Russia-Ukraine conflict

The global economy is still in the shadow of a #recession with total economic losses due to the #Russia-#Ukraine conflict touching $1 trillion. #Economy #war Read more »

Cutting food waste key to achieving zero hunger by 2030

The world generated around 931 million tonnes of food waste in 2019, of which 61% was from households, 26% in food service and 13% from retail trade, reveals the Food Waste Index... Read more »

Climate change: Humans cannot win the war against nature

The nature is rebelling against exploitation by human beings through wild fires, tsunamis, hurricanes, massive floods, and now with the dreaded coronavirus. Read more »