GST collections soar

India has become a hotspot of merger and acquisition deals amid Covid-19 crisis

Global investors are looking at opportunities for merger and acquisition deals in India like they looked at China a decade or so ago. Read more »
Importance of health insurance cover

Health Insurance: Covid-19 forces a change in mindset

Indian middle class has realised the importance health insurance after the high out-of-pocket expenditure for Covid-19 treatment pushed several families into financial ruin. Read more »

Future perfect: India-UK trade must focus on the Brexit void

India-UK trade negotiations should be aligned with the Atmanirbhar Bharat strategy to promote India’s champion sectors. Read more »
legality of NFTs, cryptocurrency in india

Uncertain future: Can NFTs survive the Cryptocurrency Bill

While India has not expressed clearly about a possible ban on NFTs, quandary over the details of the upcoming Cryptocurrency Bill have cast doubt on its potential legality. Read more »
ageing, silver economy

Retirement planning: Indians, Americans stare at uncertain future

A large number of people in both India and the US don’t pay much attention to retirement planning which leads to compromising on their comfort in the last stage of life. Read more »
stock market amid covid-19 crisis

Young Indians flock stock market amid Covid-19 crisis

Stock market needs a long-term game played with test match temperament rather than a T-20 mindset. Read more »
IndiaN economy, $5 trillion economy

How disruptive technologies are changing global trade

Global trade is getting disrupted by technologies such as AI, automation, robotics, and 3D printing. Read more »
climate change and the record-breaking heatwave

Bankrolling global climate action in the time of Covid-19

Given the fragmented nature of climate finance architecture, more guidance will be needed by poor countries to navigate this landscape. Read more »
RCEP India vs China

RCEP: India’s losses are strategic and geopolitical, not economic

India lost opportunity to be part of the largest value chain by opting out of RCEP – comparable with the US losses from TPP exit. Read more »

South Asia trade: India must forge close economic ties to ease regional tension

The Narendra Modi government must revive its neighbour first policy and remove tariff, non-tariff barriers to trade for prosperity and peace in the region. Read more »