Kerala coastline

Kerala’s coastline crisis: Rising seas, disappearing land, and women on the frontlines

Climate change disproportionately impacts women in Kerala, making a gender-sensitive approach to adaptation and mitigation crucial. #Kerala #coast #climatechange Read more »
Rise in migration from Kerala

Brain drain: Impact of changing migration patterns on Kerala economy

Outward migration from Kerala has grown significantly, with women and students leading the trend. Read more »
Kerala economy

Can Kerala balance social spending and fiscal goals

While Kerala has performed well in terms of social development indicators, the state's high welfare spending may have contributed to the current fiscal crisis. #Kerala Read more »
kerala economy troubles

Population-based tax share allocation puts Kerala’s finances in a fix

The current tax allocation system overlooks achievements in human capital development, disincentivising states like Kerala from prioritising education and healthcare. Read more »
heat wave in kerala

Kerala’s heat waves a sign of climate change’s unequal impact

Natural factors like El Niño and human actions like urbanisation exacerbate Kerala's record-breaking heat waves. Read more »
kerala vs Centre at Supreme Court

Kerala vs Centre: The state must balance welfare spending with fiscal prudence

The Kerala government needs to reconcile its social spending with central borrowing limits to escape economic vulnerability. #Kerala #economy Read more »
India unemployment rate

Kerala battles sporadic violence against migrant workers

Hate crimes against migrant workers fueled by intolerance and local grievances pose a threat to the southern state's social fabric. Read more »
Climate change impact on Kerala

Climate change: Kerala must invest in mitigation plans

Kerala will continue to face extreme weather events triggered by climate change and needs to work on better forecasts and long-term mitigation plans. Read more »
Rising number of cases of Covid-19 in Kerala

Covid-19 in Kerala: No justification for replacing TPR with WIPR as key metric

The rise in cases of Covid-19 in Kerala and the unfair criticism from within and outside seem to be forcing the state government to take irrational pandemic management measures. Read more »
multidimensional poverty

Can Tamil Nadu government create a South Indian Miracle?

The decision by Tamil Nadu government to draft in Esther Duflo, Raghuram Rajan, Arvind Subramanian, and Jean Dreze as advisors to the chief minister is a step in the right direction. Read more »