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Tobacco addiction: Revolutionising quitting with innovation

India's fight against tobacco addiction

The government must explore fresh approaches and technologies to fight tobacco addiction and nicotine dependence.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, particularly in the field of pulmonology, there has been a significant shift in focus. This transformation from what were once known as COPD days to the present, where lung health has taken the centre stage. The pandemic has brought some focus on lung health. While COVID-19 dominated headlines in recent years, another pandemic, tobacco addiction, has been quietly persisting in the background.

Despite years of efforts, tobacco use remains a global crisis, responsible for over 6 million annual deaths worldwide. This is one pandemic that is eminently avoidable, as opposed to the unavoidable crises such as COVID-19. This crisis persists because, unlike viruses, tobacco use is a conscious choice, albeit a highly addictive one.

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the perception and management of tobacco addiction. While traditional methods like counselling, nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), and behavioural interventions continue to play a vital role in helping individuals quit smoking, a wave of innovation is revolutionising our approach to tackling nicotine dependence. On this World Lung Day, we delve into the novel strategies and groundbreaking technologies that are reshaping the landscape of smoking cessation.

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Changing face of tobacco addiction

The evolution of tobacco addiction management is a testament to human adaptability. Smoking cessation has transformed from being a moral and health concern to a multidisciplinary field driven by science, technology, and psychology. The traditional stigma associated with tobacco addiction has started to fade, thanks in part to the rise of vaping, or e-cigarettes.

Understanding the nature of addiction is central to effective cessation strategies. It is essential to recognise that nicotine dependence is a relapsing condition, much like other chronic diseases such as arthritis. This concept of addiction as a relapsing condition is vital to bridging the gap between policymakers and healthcare providers, enabling the creation of effective policies and programmes for cessation.

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India’s tobacco addiction challenge

India is the world’s second-largest producer and consumer of tobacco products. The statistics are sobering, with nearly 30% of India’s population using tobacco in various forms, and around 10% actively seeking cessation support. These numbers underline the urgency of novel approaches to reduce tobacco use.

Before we delve into the novel strategies, it is crucial to acknowledge the effectiveness of traditional methods. Counselling, NRTs, and behavioural therapies remain the cornerstones of smoking cessation programmes and have helped countless individuals quit smoking.

Nicotine delivery systems

One of the most exciting developments in smoking cessation is the emergence of novel delivery systems for nicotine replacement. Nicotine inhalers and nasal sprays offer alternatives to traditional methods, making it easier for smokers to transition away from cigarettes. These delivery systems provide a familiar sensation without the harmful combustion associated with smoking.

E-cigarettes, commonly known as vapes, have ignited a fierce debate among health professionals. While they have been endorsed as a smoking cessation tool in some countries, their long-term effects remain a subject of concern. Research, including studies published in reputable journals like JAMA and The Lancet, has indicated that e-cigarettes may be more effective than NRTs in aiding smoking cessation. However, the use of e-cigarettes as a cessation aid should be approached with caution and closely monitored.

Novel methods of addition control

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine worldwide, offering new opportunities in smoking cessation. Telemedicine enables healthcare providers to offer support, counselling, and even crisis intervention remotely. It is particularly beneficial for patients in remote areas who lack easy access to cessation clinics.

Smartphones have become ubiquitous in our lives, and now they are proving valuable in the fight against tobacco addiction. Specialised apps offer real-time support, tracking of progress, and even personalized strategies to overcome cravings. These digital companions empower individuals on their journey to quit smoking.

Virtual reality (VR) is not just for gaming. It is finding applications in smoking cessation by simulating smoking scenarios. VR allows users to experience situations where they might typically smoke, providing an opportunity to develop coping strategies in a controlled environment.

The future of smoking cessation may well be driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These technologies can provide personalised plans and interventions based on an individual’s specific needs and cravings. AI-driven chatbots can offer immediate support, turning to human counsellors when necessary.

The road ahead

The journey to a smoke-free world is underway, and it is marked by a profound shift in our approach to tobacco addiction. As we stand at the intersection of traditional methods and groundbreaking innovations, the path ahead becomes clearer and more promising. While the role of traditional cessation methods remains significant, the emergence of novel strategies offers fresh hope. Nicotine replacement therapies have evolved, providing smokers with alternative delivery systems that mimic the sensations of smoking without the harmful combustion.

The debate around e-cigarettes continues, with some studies suggesting their efficacy as a cessation tool. However, cautious optimism is required as we await further research to unravel their long-term effects. The advent of telemedicine, smartphone applications, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning promise tailored interventions and round-the-clock support. The use of monoclonal antibodies, repurposed medications, and transcranial stimulation can evolve into more effective smoking cessation strategies. These approaches offer a glimmer of hope for those who have struggled for years to break free from nicotine’s grip.

As the world commemorate World Lung Day, we must recognise that the battle against tobacco addiction is far from over. However, the tools at our disposal are more advanced and diverse than ever before. By combining the best of traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technology and research, we can envision a future where smoking is a thing of the past. Let this World Lung Day serve as a reminder that the journey to a healthier, smoke-free future is well underway, and together, we can clear the air for generations to come.

(Dr Bharat Gopal is Director & Head, Dept of Pulmonology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine at Delhi Heart and Lung Institute. This article is the edited transcript of Dr Gopal’s presentation at a roundtable on Lung diseases in the post-Covid era – Challenges for India, organised by Policy Circle at the India International Centre on September 23.)

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